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Speak out! Raise awareness! Lead by example! 

Gender Based Violence is not isolated to households and families. It can affect anyone. Help us stand up and speak out for victims and demand zero tolerance for those that abuse by spreading the word about GBV.

Too often, men think of domestic violence as a “woman’s issue.” We want to assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. If you are a man, you need to take a stand. At some point in your life, certainly at the very beginning of your life, there was a woman involved. In all likelihood there’s still a woman — a sister, an aunt, a niece, a daughter, a mother, a friend — someone whom you would never want to see abused.
We must no longer stand by, remain silent, and allow abuse in any form to occur. Violence affects entire communities, everyone should take steps to help those who are being abused. If you’re a friend, set up time and a safe place to talk. Listen with an open mind. Above all, don’t judge, shame, or blame.  Be supportive. Remember, this is very hard and can be embarrassing, humiliating, and painful. 
Together, let’s teach our sons and daughters what healthy relationships look like, and let’s be clear that true love means respect and should NEVER hurt. We call on you to act and be mindful and attentive of the scourge of Gender Based Violence violence in all of its forms EVERY day!

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